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Wow this is so great! I'm on the same boat right now as a solo dev with no legit coding background, and I'm working on something similar as well (smaller scoped GBStudio game but also toying with the Adventure Reforged plugin haha) so it's really cool to see this in progress! Need to figure out how you did the NPC walking around seemingly randomly 🤔🤔

Will def be keeping an eye on this and best of luck! 


Here's what i've got, I can't fit  it all in a screenshot but you can see I'm using a switch and a temporary value. The value is equal to a random value between 1-4, and then when 1, the enemy moves one value on the x, if 2, the enemy moves minus one on the x. etc. Y isn't shown here but you get the idea. Not sophisticated and works well enough for me. Thanks for the kind words! 

Random suggestion maybe have the player use their name in file creation. Not a must but it does make some connection imh.

I agree, I want that also and will work on implementing it. I also want there to be a character selection screen so you can choose your player's look; or at least choose boy or girl. Thank you!

Any updates coming to this project soon?  What you have so far is amazing and looking forward to seeing what else you can do with it.

Hi, I'm sorry I haven't been able to put more work into this but I hope to get back into it real soon. I appreciate your interest and your support. This is a solo project of mine and I don't have a coding background so it takes me a little longer to learn and then implement. The day night / weekday cycle with real time events drove me crazy so I just needed a break. I've been working on a boss mechanic and the storyline. Soon!

Not a problem.  Breaks are good just to reset your brain and deal with life in general. 

This game shows a lot of promise  and I’m really itching to test the source code out when you release it.  My main hurdle in the game I’m making is trying to figure out how to get the sword swing incorporated.  Would it be possible for you to take a screen shot on how you got it to work?  If I at least got that part of the game mechanics done I think I could move forward on my own until your project file became available.  

As for a long term request, would you do something like lazygamedev?  He’s posting a series on how to make an RPG on GB Studio central. He drops the files for download and then writes an article on how he built it.   That way people can try to do it themselves and then reference the code in an actual project file


I just purchased your demo and it has the EXACT structure I was looking for.  GB Studio has great potential but I haven't been able to master the basics to make something like this.  Not sure how you feel about making the structure of this game available for download, but I'd be happy to pay for it.  If I had the main structure of how you have your game, I think I could use it as a baseline to edit.  

If you are willing to post it, please let me know.

I think I could do this at some point in the future but I am still very much a beginner at GB studio and I'm not sure how strong my coding really is. I am constantly changing things and experimenting so I doubt the quality of my work is good enough to pass on to anyone else. Also, I've used paid background tile asset packs that I've bought on and I'm not allowed to distribute those in any manner so I'd have to redo all of my background tiles . I am thinking of making YouTube tutorials to walk through how I've made this... but I don't know if there's enough interest. When I finish the pause screen, inventory system, equipping, levelling up, and enemy mechanics; I will probably put that up for sale as a GB studio project file. Thank you!

I'm sure the game could use some polish but you're light years ahead of me.  

As for the assets, I think that's the GB Oracles Environment pack.  If I'm wrong, I don't have an issue buying the tile asset packs as they look great anyway.

Youtube tutorials would be great as I kept messing up the hit detection with my sword.

Keep me updated as I'm dying to purchase the project file even if it's not a complete product.


yes very good this is a great prototype, add some content and polish and we ballin

Thank you Peb!