12 Retro Pixel Characters!
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- March 23, 2025 by PixelFight#pixel-art, #retro, #classic, #gbc, #snes, #nes, #gameboy, #pixel, #pixelart, #top-down, #2D, #RPG, #AdventureCreated additional skin tone options for all 12 characters!... Continue reading
- April 22, 2024 by PixelFight2#NES, #GBC, #Top-Down, #2D, #Retro, #Pixel-Art, #Zelda, #Final Fantasy, #SNES, #Mega-ManCompleted a 12th Character with unique projectile! <a href=" 12" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://pixelfight.itch.io/retro-character-pack">12 Retro Pixel Characters! by PixelFight... Continue reading
- April 08, 2024 by PixelFight2#Retro, #2D, #Pixel-Art, #Character, #SNES, #Top-Down, #RPG, #ARPG, #Zelda, #NES, #GB, #GBC, #PokemonNew character added to this ongoing retro art style series. This is additional hairstyle/colorway/projectile is character #11... Continue reading
- February 08, 2024 by PixelFight2#retro, #2d, #top-down, #characters, #pixel-art, #sprites, #NES, #SNES, #Gameboy, #Zelda, #Final Fantasy, #RPG, #AdventureTwo new characters, Brown and Lavender added to this sprite pack with unique projectiles! All characters now also have the following new animation frames: Slide (4 Directions) Faint Underwater Movemen... Continue reading
- October 08, 2023 by PixelFight1#nes, #snes, #rpg, #retro, #16x16, #GBC, #GB, #Pixel, #multiplayer, #topdown3 new unique character sprite sets added to this collection! Coral, Teal, and White heroes fully expanded with entire move set and optional sword/shield. Added Projectile includes Boomerang, Wind Gust... Continue reading
- August 14, 2023 by PixelFight1#gameboy, #top-down, #rpg, #snes, #nes, #retro, #spritesheet, #sprites, #multiplayer, #zelda, #finalfantasy, #2dAdded elemental projectiles for each character. Animated with 4 frames in 4 directions: Up, Down, Left, Right. 16x16 Sprites that line up with characters attack animations: Fire (Red) Leaf (Green) Lig... Continue reading
- August 11, 2023 by PixelFight1#2D, #Top-Down, #Retro, #Sprite, #SNES, #NES, #GBC, #RPG, #Action, #Spritesheet, #Pixel-Art, #AssetsAll movements and attack now feature optional shields for all 5 characters! Aseprite development file included so that this can be turned on/off depending on how your character has their shield equipp... Continue reading
- August 07, 2023 by PixelFight#2D, #Top-Down, #Sprites, #Retro, #NES, #SNES, #Pixel-Art, #Assets, #GBC, #Zelda, #Final Fantasy, #MultiplayerAdded a handful of new animations for each character including two types of sword attack. Full layered .aseprite file included so sword itself can be separated from character. Use this to Build your o... Continue reading
- August 03, 2023 by PixelFight1#2D, #Top-Down, #Spritesheet, #rpg, #pixel-art, #retro, #snes, #nes, #gameboy, #zelda, #finalfantasyUpdated frames to "Carry" animation. (Down + Up) as arms weren't moving like L + Right animations Changes to Green Character's Hair as animation was inconsistent between actions Broke down each charac... Continue reading