Lots of these elements are still work in progress or unrefined

  • Changed Sword to Baseball Bat
  • Changed sling-shot to Yo-Yo
  • Added Stop Watch (Ability to Freeze Time)
  • Added Sun/Moon Wand (ability to set time of day to Dawn, Noon, Dusk, or Midnight)
  • Changed sailing raft to surfboard
  • Added Backpack (idea is to have healthpacks or unimportant small items stored here)
  • Added Sunglasses (SuperVision?) (Ability to move game-camera at will)
  • Built a Warp Location for the overworld map (accessible via the Select button). It works in visible map areas but needs further development for universal functionality.
  • UFO now plays bigger overall role in gameplay and storyline:
    • Built entire UFO based items to collect.
    • Items are woven into storyline, have their own abilities, and enhance your inventory items too.
    • UFO is selectable as an inventory despite being in its own area now
  • Storyline to include 8 "Badges" and 5 other challenge based item rewards. I haven't fleshed this idea out yet but i'm really just trying to make the inventory look as cool as possible.
  • Map is now bigger by a lot but most of it is open ocean because I was testing the surfboard. I had to find more ways to reduce pixel art and overall variable count so I changed this and feel it is an improvement.
  • I'm trying to make a large overworld with over 100 scenes but have run into variable issues so have begun the task of rewriting code based on Flags instead of unique local variables. So far I have managed to reduce the variable count by the hundreds.
  • The overall goal is to try to pack as much into this as possible and reducing the variable count has become priority.
  • Other general updates include movement or code clean up. A ton of stuff on the back end changed that can't be seen but the game is running better overall and small mistakes have been corrected or optimized. 
  • Made some AI based concept art to try to convey what I want the game to feel like. A real mystical youthful adventure about a kid finding a broken UFO, helping it recover its parts or repair itself, and embarking on wild sidequests or boss battles along the way. 
  • Overall the game is shaping up! 
  • Thanks for everyone's support and encouragement!

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80 days ago
WW31.gbc 512 kB
80 days ago

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